Finding Arizona is an award winning weekly podcast that interviews business owners, CEO’s and outstanding contributors across the state.

Striving to find the passions and interesting tid-bits that people don't know, the idea is to organically have a conversation with a friend, so the audience can hear everything and gain a new point of view.


Our Story

It all started with Jose's natural curiosity. In 2015, he wandered into a screen printing shop in Tempe, AZ and began a natural networking session around screens, inks and hot fans. This casual "off air" conversation about entrepreneurs and their start inspired Jose to find a passion to share this with the world. 

Two microphones and a Zoom recorder later the red recoding button was being pushed in MMA rings, workshops, craft rooms, and store fronts. Not long after a few episodes, while working in a shared creative space, Jose met Brittany and the two began exchanging professional contacts and visionary projects immediately. 

A strong suave host and a shy skilled photographer married their talents to create the weekly Finding Arizona Podcast. Together they strive to bring brilliant business owners in the state as well as contribute to philanthropic projects, attend social business events, and showcase ultramodern projects habitually.

Jose Acevedo (Host/Founder) & Brittany Acevedo (Photographer/Producer)


Our Services

The highly anticipated podcast production services brought to you by your Finding Arizona team is here! 

We now offer VIP Guest experiences + Production Services!

We appreciate Arizona working with us over the last 7+ years and we are ready to provide into the community that's been providing for us. Send us an email if you are ready to learn more.