HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Everyone has an opinion about today and this post is not to share mine or give you tips to celebrate or boycott. This is about showing love every day of the year. February 14th is my parents anniversary, so on this day I honor their love, but why do you have to wait till 1 day a year to show those who matter the most to you. how much you care.
When I first heard of the concept of Love Languages I was intrigued. I love love and I love learning new languages or attempting to. But, Love Languages are things we already speak, but have selective hearing. This concept, written by Gary Chapman, assesses 5 different profiles of connecting with others. Each one of us resonates with dominate language, but its important to know the language of others so you are best heard.
Don’t worry, you dont HAVE to read the book. You can take a simple quiz. You can also take it for your child to really connect on every level with everyone. There are five languages and I will break them down. We show dominance in one over the others, but making note of your second and third languages are helpful too!
Physical Touch - Just like it sounds. It doesn’t have to be intimate, it is as simple as a high five or a pat on the back. This gentle nudge connects to that person on level they will appreciate and remember.
Acts Of Service - This is the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” You can tell someone you love them till you are blue in the face but DOING something for them speaks volumes. In my opinion it is the most high maintenance language because it requires planning and executing!
Words of Affirmation - For some, those words really to mean everything. Thinking of what to say and selflessly expressing it when it is needed vs when its asked for makes all the difference.
Receiving Gifts- This is NOT a spoiled language, in fact its the opposite. It is not the value of the gift that matters, but how the gift is valued.
Quality Time - Quality over quantity. You don’t have to spend hours with someone for it to count, but what are you two doing with the time. This shows you enjoy being together, just you.
My love language is gifts and Jose’s is physical touch. BUT it is important to take note: just because my love language is gifts and I love to give them I know they are not fully received as a language of love to Jose. He will appreciate them, but we would rather have a massage. And Vice Versa. He wants to show appreciation and hold my hand watching a movie on the couch, but I will use my other hand to eat the heart shaped Papa John’s Pizza he gifted us for dinner.
Take the quiz and comment bellow letting me know your language. You can also use this in business and life because everyone knows my favorite quote:
“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” President Theodore Roosevelt / John C. Maxwell / DJBJ